Support the Afro-Moldovan Centre Fatima

Our friends from the NGO Fatima need your support. Thus we publish the following request:

The FATIМA organisation invitеs you today to jоin the fundraising campaign “SUPPORT THЕ AFRO-MOLDOVIAN CЕNTRE FATIМA.” Fоllowing grеat aсhievements helping сhildren and single mothers frоm low inсome families, the FATIMA organisation seеks your supрort foг the “FATIМA Cеntre.” Donate today to hеlp us maintаin this importarnt community resourсe for сhildrеn, youth, singlе mothers and nеedy familiеs.

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“We bring youth from the left and right bank together” had a coffee and a nice chat with Vitalie Tichim who runs the NGO Intercultural Social Center (CSI). The goal of CSI is to bring young people from the left and the right bank of the Dniester together and organises international youth exchanges in France, Germany and in Moldova. shares the agenda of CSI and supports the project both morally and financially. Continue reading ““We bring youth from the left and right bank together””

Different Colours – One Goal

The Football Against Racism in Europe (FARE) network called for its 9th action week in and around football stadiums all over Europe. From 16th of October to 2nd of November fans, clubs, ethnic minorities and national associations made a united effort to rid the game of racism and exclusion in unprecedentent 1000 initiatives in not less than 40 European countries. On Saturday, November 1, the action week stopped in Chisinau. Continue reading “Different Colours – One Goal”